I wrote this quite awhile back, and I didn't know what it meant to me until now. It's a little dark, but the message is one of love. Even when life and all its chaos wants to stop you, theres that one thing that keeps you going. Sometimes being apart is so hard, and it feels like I'm in a storm. But even when it feels like the world is against me... i still keep going, and "we"keep going. The last stanza is my favorite.. and it means everything to me in relation to fighting for Diana. I love you so much sweetie, <3 no matter what, no matter the situation or the goals that confront me, I will fight my way to you.
I love you more than anything! enjoy-
Black stone river-
shall I ever meet the shore?
To think this thought I quiver,
thus the answer be delivered...
it's here I tread forevermore.
To twist along the rocks that break,
which steal of my skin-
and for the breath that each I take
I fight the waves with life at stake,
to reach the bay, my love again.
But here I swallow the deepest waters,
as I sink into the dark.
No more shouts, gasps, or hollers.
Just embrace of all that bothers-
in the chill of my embark
For here lay amongst the depths,
at the bottom where I sigh.
But never quit at my attempts.
To swim atop would make no sense..
but for you, my dear, I'll try.
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3